Monday, January 28, 2013

Heel Spurs and Orthotics

Heel Spurs Relief is most likely to be achieved with Custom Foot Orthotics.
calcaneal spur (or heel spur) is a small osteophyte (bone spur) located on the calcaneus (heel bone). Calcaneal( heel spurs ) spurs are typically detected by a radiological examination (X-ray).
When a foot bone is exposed to constant stress (pronation) (plantar fasciitis), calcium deposits build up on the bottom of the heel bone. Generally, this has a substantial effect on a person's daily life. Repeated damage can cause these deposits to pile up on each other, causing a spur-shaped deformity, called a calcaneal (or heel) spur. Obese people, flat-footed people, and women who constantly wear heels are most susceptible to heel spurs.

Custom Foot Orthotics are the best solution to a heel spur pain. Mechanically controlling the gait cycle and evenly distributing the weight and pronation forces will remove the causes of the inflammation. has special heel spur accommodations that are very effective. Heel Spurs are usually on the bottom of the heel and become weight bearing during the gait cycle. Our laboratory technicians will drill a hole in the firm shell and allow the heel spur to reside in a pocket of cushion and allowing the rest of the foot to absorb the weight.

A non weight bearing accommodation and controlling the mechanical forces of pronation is the key to heel spur pain relief.

#heel spurs, #David Yoshida DC, #Orthotics, #heel pain, #plantar fasciitis,

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