Monday, February 25, 2013

Refurbish and Duplicate Old Orthotics

Walking and running increases the wear and tear of of the foam top covers.

Periodically the top covers need to be refurbished.

Dr. Yoshidas' Foot Orthotic Center supports needed maintenance of your Orthotics.

New top covers and upgrades can be ordered thru us.   213-538-8641

Getting a duplicate pair of Orthotics when getting your original pair refurbished is a good idea. This allows you to send a pair in for refurbishing without going without a pair.

Many customers like various types of orthotics for the various types of shoes they wear.

How we refurbish a  pair of orthotics;
- Make a paper pattern of the insole ( for trimming new insole later )
- Remove old top cover by hand as much as possible
- Machine wire brush surface of orthotics removing all old glue and material
- Wipe with alcohol to prepare surface for new glue
- cut out a 4"x12" piece of foam and rough up both surfaces
- position orthotic allowing for extension to toes.
- Glue orthotic surface and foam surface with solvent based contact cement.
- Adhere orthotic to foam cover.
- Use the paper pattern made earlier trim to fit

Depending on your needs sometime it is necessary to refurbish your Orthotics twice a year. It is nice to have fresh "Cush"

Need more Cushion? Simply ask... We will increase the thickness.